John Garcia Tickets

John Garcia Concerts are going to take place in 8 cities including Chicago, Lawrence, Atlanta and Warrendale. The last John Garcia concert will take place in May 16th at the Thalia Hall. Enjoy the pleasure of attending one of John Garcia live concerts at the best prices.

‘‘8’’ John Garcia dates are available
  1. Thu May 16 08:30 pm John Garcia Thalia Hall - Chicago, US Thalia Hall - Chicago, US
  2. Fri May 17 06:45 pm John Garcia Liberty Hall - KS - Lawrence, US Liberty Hall - KS - Lawrence, US
  3. Sun May 19 07:00 pm John Garcia Hell at The Masquerade - GA - Atlanta, US Hell at The Masquerade - GA - Atlanta, US
  4. Tue May 21 07:30 pm John Garcia Jergel's Rhythm Grille - Warrendale, US Jergel's Rhythm Grille - Warrendale, US
  5. Wed May 22 06:00 pm John Garcia The Crofoot - Pontiac, US The Crofoot - Pontiac, US
  6. Thu May 23 07:30 pm John Garcia The Pyramid Scheme - Grand Rapids, US The Pyramid Scheme - Grand Rapids, US
  7. Mon May 27 08:00 pm John Garcia Wally's Pub - Hampton, US Wally's Pub - Hampton, US
  8. Tue May 28 07:30 pm John Garcia Union Transfer - Philadelphia, US Union Transfer - Philadelphia, US