Laura Jane Grace Tickets

Laura Jane Grace Concerts are going to take place in 8 cities including Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton and Nepean. The last Laura Jane Grace concert will take place in May 14th at the The Broom Factory. Enjoy the pleasure of attending one of Laura Jane Grace live concerts at the best prices.

‘‘8’’ Laura Jane Grace dates are available
  1. Tue May 14 07:00 pm Laura Jane Grace The Broom Factory - Kingston, CA The Broom Factory - Kingston, CA
  2. Wed May 15 07:00 pm Laura Jane Grace The Axis Club - Toronto - Toronto, CA The Axis Club - Toronto - Toronto, CA
  3. Fri May 17 07:00 pm Laura Jane Grace Bridgeworks - Hamilton, CA Bridgeworks - Hamilton, CA
  4. Sat May 18 07:00 pm Laura Jane Grace The Brass Monkey - Nepean, CA The Brass Monkey - Nepean, CA
  5. Tue May 21 07:00 pm Laura Jane Grace The Grand - Sudbury - Sudbury, CA The Grand - Sudbury - Sudbury, CA
  6. Wed May 22 07:00 pm Laura Jane Grace The Biltmore Theatre - Oshawa, CA The Biltmore Theatre - Oshawa, CA
  7. Sat May 25 08:00 pm Laura Jane Grace Grog Shop - Cleveland, US Grog Shop - Cleveland, US
  8. Sun May 26 08:00 pm Laura Jane Grace Madison Theater - Covington - Covington, US Madison Theater - Covington - Covington, US