Rezz Tickets

Rezz Concerts are going to take place in 4 cities including Calgary, Brooklyn, Morrison and Denver. The last Rezz concert will take place in July 04th at the Badlands Tent. Enjoy the pleasure of attending one of Rezz live concerts at the best prices.

‘‘4’’ Rezz dates are available
  1. Thu Jul 04 06:00 pm Badlands Music Festival: Rezz & Dr. Fresch Badlands Tent - Calgary, CA Badlands Tent - Calgary, CA
  2. Sat Jul 06 10:00 pm REZZ Brooklyn Mirage - Brooklyn, US Brooklyn Mirage - Brooklyn, US
  3. Fri Aug 30 06:00 pm Rezz Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Morrison, US Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Morrison, US
  4. Sat Aug 31 07:00 pm Rezz The Mission Ballroom - Denver, US The Mission Ballroom - Denver, US