Chelsea Grin Tickets

Chelsea Grin Concerts are going to take place in 25 cities including Santa Cruz, Sacramento, Portland and Tacoma. The last Chelsea Grin concert will take place in July 09th at the The Catalyst. Enjoy the pleasure of attending one of Chelsea Grin live concerts at the best prices.

‘‘25’’ Chelsea Grin dates are available
  1. Sun Aug 04 07:30 pm As I Lay Dying Vibes Event Center - San Antonio, US Vibes Event Center - San Antonio, US
  2. Tue Aug 06 08:00 pm As I Lay Dying The El Rey Theater - NM - Albuquerque, US The El Rey Theater - NM - Albuquerque, US
  3. Wed Aug 07 08:00 pm As I Lay Dying The Van Buren - Phoenix, US The Van Buren - Phoenix, US
  4. Thu Aug 08 08:00 pm As I Lay Dying Belasco Theater - LA - Los Angeles, US Belasco Theater - LA - Los Angeles, US
  5. Sat Aug 10 08:00 pm As I Lay Dying The Observatory - North Park - San Diego, US The Observatory - North Park - San Diego, US